Late happy new year 2025 and I need to help
Hello there.
I’m sorry I didn’t uploaded anything since last year.
It’s already February 6 and so late, anyway Happy New Year and I hope everyone’s health and happiness.
Well, what I was doing while I was being silent… Actually I was almost down by my mental issues. I’ve been suffering by Anxiety disorder and depression several years ago, it was getting worse since last middle of year because of personal reason. Mainly by shitty relationships. To tell the truth, I’ve been down months and I haven’t been able to work and haven’t been to do just to do ordinary things, I was into self-neglect. And what was worse, the situations, as
a transgender person. Trump won the election in US. You know, I’m not US citizen… but my anxiety has been getting worse since then. His campaign promises and actually what he and rich scums are doing now, saying… I can’t stop to sympathized who are suffered by that fascist pig, his dirty rich nazi billionaire and their fucking scumbag friends. Also, I can’t stop to feeling fear four years ago, when first time Trump won. In Japan, even the oversea of US, the hates and exclusion was definitely got worse. And now, already I feel it’ve been happening again. Not just feeling, actually it’s happening. It seems the worlds are drifting right, fascistic. Trying to be positive and find hope every day, but just checking some news they made me devastated. I’m taking medicines and laying down in bed every day, but it’s too difficult to be back normal.
Really, really fortunately, recent client give mercy and being patient, they was waiting me to finish the work now I’m doing. So I’m still have work as comic artist. But of course, I couldn’t get money by regular work except for webshop sales (I really appreciate people ordered from my webshop, they helped me so much,) recently I’m seriously struggling financially. I don’t know my card will be stopped or not, and I can pay next rent or not. Even I skipped the follow-up check of top surgery because I didn’t have money. Fortunately I don’t have any problem for now tho. Plus more worse, my iPhone, PC and microwave were died and I needed to replace them. I really wonder why the necessary things become malfunction same time… yeah, I know they’re just a bad luck,,, really devastated.
So, if you have been considered, please buy original art from my webshop. Any supporting by ko-fi or paypal, I’ll be helped so much. I’m really complicated and stubborn person so it’s makes me feel so tough to ask help, but I need it. For keep working as comic artist, and to just keep surviving. I’m barely losing everything. Please help me if you can give me helping hand.
Honestly, I can’t have hope for future work with US clients because of DEI rejections of majour companies. I’m Trans, Gay and also I even not American citizen. I’m too afraid I won’t get any work from clients (except for current client, they are cool.) I know, I have several health issues and it make clients troubled. Please don’t abandon trans creators. And other minorities like queer, disabilities, people of color creators too.
And for everyone… please be ally to us. Being ally doesn’t mean just don’t do discriminate or just think or pray for us. DO ACTION NOW. If you don’t know what you should do, learn now. Do not action doesn’t help us, just passing over people who has power, who attacks us.
Whoa gonna try to something positive.
I haven’t have enough energy to enjoy hobbies now but I started to play Street Fighter 6. I bought it by winter sale. (I bought Tekken 8 but it was too difficult for me lol) I’ve played II at classmate’s house several times when I was child but actually I’m totally newbie of Street Fighter series, and 6 is the first title I played seriously! It’s very different from Mortal Kombat but I’m really into it. I wanted to play Guile (cuz he’s hot daddy) but too difficult play for me, I’m playing Ed mainly. Haha. I’m also looking forward to DOOM: The Dark Ages! I gotta survive until it’ll be released. And Wicked movie hasn’t released here yet. I’m living totally devastated way but there are many things I’m looking forward to.

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